SolarAnywhere® SystemCheck®
Integrated real-time, weather-adjusted PV production dataASSET MANAGEMENT
Increase portfolio profitability
Asset managers rely on SystemCheck to benchmark solar performance against original project financing expectations. SystemCheck puts project performance into context by providing accurate resource data to weather-normalize actual production.
SystemCheck also provides bankable resource data for tracking the performance ratio to ensure the project is meeting its performance guarantee.
Efficiently diagnose & manage system performance
With SystemCheck, O&M teams can scale monitoring processes by integrating expected power output measurements of individual systems and entire fleets—all at a lower cost and more accurately than using ground measurements.
Benchmarking with SystemCheck helps operators reduce solar project downtime and unnecessary truck rolls by helping to accurately identify and diagnose real-time PV system issues.
Industry Expertise
Accessibility & Extensibility
Quickly visualize real-time SolarAnywhere data for your asset portfolio in a monitoring dashboard, or leverage the SolarAnywhere API to integrate services directly into your tools and applications.
Enterprise-level Reliability & Security
Ensure time-critical decisions are based on the most up-to-date information with our reliable service that offers up to 99.99% uptime.
SystemCheck Product Specifications
SolarAnywhere Customer Stories
Read how solar-industry leaders are streamlining workflows and expanding their service offerings using SolarAnywhere

How Omnidian’s Solar Performance Guarantee is Built to Scale with SolarAnywhere SystemCheck

How Invenergy Services Drives Operational Excellence with SolarAnywhere

How Omnidian’s Solar Performance Guarantee is Built to Scale with SolarAnywhere SystemCheck

New SolarAnywhere® monitoring API (beta) joins across-the-board API performance enhancements
Clean Power Research® is excited to announce the public beta release of our new SolarAnywhere monitoring API, designed to provide you with scalable, seamless and efficient access to real-time data. This new, synchronous API supports fast and reliable data retrieval to...
Unlock the power of real-time solar data: New SolarAnywhere® dashboard
Clean Power Research® is excited to unlock the power of real-time solar data for more users with the launch of the SolarAnywhere® SystemCheck® Monitoring Dashboard. Users can now access and visualize SystemCheck real-time irradiance data directly from a user...
Enhancing precision with new SolarAnywhere® sub-hourly TMY data
Clean Power Research® is thrilled to announce the launch of SolarAnywhere® Sub-Hourly Typical Meteorological Year (TMY) irradiance and weather data! This feature provides SolarAnywhere customers with sub-hourly data, enhancing the precision of solar resource...