Phil Gruenhagen | May 3, 2015
This article presents and validates the latest version of the SUNY model for using satellite imagery to calculate irradiance. The new version includes an improved treatment of clear sky, the ingestion of now-casting numerical weather predictions, and a more effective...
Heather Van Schoiack | Feb 11, 2015
In this presentation, you’ll learn about which type of solar irradiance data—typical year, ground or satellite—is appropriate for each stage of solar project development. The presentation then discusses the value of combining satellite and ground and data for...
Phil Gruenhagen | Jun 21, 2014
This paper describes procedures suitable for the optimal combination of ground-based and satellite-based irradiance data to reduce the overall uncertainty of the solar resource assessment. It presents a case study depicting the application of these approaches, and...
Heather Van Schoiack | Apr 2, 2014
Clean Power Research received a California Solar Initiative (CSI) Research, Development, Demonstration and Deployment Program (RD&D) Solicitation 3 grant for a project titled, “Integrating PV into Utility Planning and Operation Tools.” This webinar presentation...
Heather Van Schoiack | Feb 26, 2014
SolarAnywhere® FleetView® is generating behind-the-meter PV forecasts in California, enabling utilities and ISOs to better integrate distributed solar. This presentation was given at the Utility Wind Integration Group’s 2014 Forecasting Workshop, held February 26,...