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Aggregated Time-Series Data

SolarAnywhere aggregated time-series data is available for historical time periods with a SolarAnywhere Sites license. Aggregated data files provide our trusted irradiance and weather data in a format that allows for an overview of locations at a broader temporal resolution than the hourly and sub hourly timesteps found in our standard time-series datasets.

Historical Aggregated time-series data can be downloaded from the SolarAnywhere data website or requested via API with access to a Sites license. This data can be requested at monthly resolution. The period available and the spatial resolution are dependent upon the geographic data region.

Download Aggregated Time-series Data Sample (CSV File)

How to Access

Time-series datasets are currently offered through our Sites Licenses, with access through the SolarAnywhere online data portal or SolarAnywhere API.

Access via the SolarAnywhere Website

Aggregated time-series files are available as one of the data types in the settings menu when downloading SolarAnywhere data from the Sites tab. These files are output in a custom file format designed to provide summarized insights into solar resource availability at a PV site location.

To download a time-series file:

  1. Select a tile location for download by searching by the site location or by selecting a tile on the map:

    Figure 1. Selecting a Sites Location on the SolarAnywhere Data Website

  2. Click “Edit Settings”
  3. Choose the “Aggregated Time Series” option under “Data type” and select the Aggregation Period:

    Figure 2. Aggregated Time Series Settings on the SolarAnywhere Data Website

  4. Enter the desired data range, select the datasets to include in the file and the delivery method.
  5. When finished, click “Confirm.” When the settings pane closes, select “Get Data” and “Confirm” and the file will begin the download process.
  6. Navigate to the Files tab to download and view the file:

    Figure 3. Files Tab on the SolarAnywhere Data Website

Users can demo time-series files with SolarAnywhere Public.

Access via the SolarAnywhere API

Aggregated time-series data can also be requested through the SolarAnywhere API. Visit this page of our API documentation to access an example request.